'being a philosopher doesn't only imply to use beautiful words but more importantly it involves a lifestyle or an art of life in itself'

'être philosophe n'implique pas seulement de belles paroles mais aussi et surtout cela implique un art de vivre en soi'

DREAMING DRAWINGS - 'that's (f)art dude'


'I am happy to be free giving you love and freedom. The power to feel it, is a marvellous gift we've been given.
Getting to know you have it, reminds me I have it too.
Sharing the freedom from true understanding, finding it there from hand to heart and heart to hand.'

Bristol 2011


NOTEBOOK LEAKS 16 - Stacia Blake

'do what you love and you'll never have to do a days work'

'fais ce que tu aimes et tu n'auras jamais à faire une seule journée de travail'

street 'MUSIC' art

Art and the street two longlife companions, from the pavers of the antique Rome to todays Brooklyn and Bricklane's walls, the freedom of the street belonging to everyone is a massive canvas for the warned artist.
Even body can express art and body can receive, as the movements and melodies can be enchanting for oneself.
When playing music to the people on a heavy greyish city day, the clouds sometimes unravel the bright skies to enlighten the hearts and share some mistery.
When playing music to the fellow city people something instant happens, a present feeling of something true.
A five year old little boy stopped at the enchanting music today and wouldn't go away with his daddy, and what was amazing to this moment was his bright eyes mirroring the magic to me, like clouds unravel the bright skies and push me to amazement.

L'art et la rue, deux amis de longue date, des pavés de la Rome antique aux murs de Brooklyn et Bricklane, la liberté de la rue appartenant à tous est une toile géante pour l'artiste avisé.
Le corps même peut exprimé l'art et le corps peut aussi le recevoir, car les mouvements et mélodies peuvent être enchanteurs.
En jouant de la musique aux gens un jour lourd et grisonnant, les nuages parfois révèlent les cieux pour illuminer les coeurs et partager le mystère.
En jouant de la musique aux compagnons urbains quelaue chose d'instantané se passe, un sentiment présent de quelque chose de vrai.
Un petit garçon de cinq ans s'est arrêté pour la musique enchanteresse aujourd'hui et ne voulait pas partir avec son papa, et ce qui était génial à ce moment c'était ses yeux illuminés qui m'en mirroitaient la magie, comme les nuages révèlent les cieux illuminés et me poussent à la stupeur. 

'Forgotten books poetry' - D.M. THOMAS


If it were one
stone it would not be magical
If it were two stones the attrition of
rain cutting into natural weakness too well
It would not be magical if its massif could be set
trembling neither two nor one for a moment only say
the logging-point of night-fall it would be magical yet
not miraculous small worlds may be born of such magic
but that it can go on and on without cessing dazzling
the spectator with immobile motion neither two nor one
neither one nor two doomed and unshakable on its point
of infinity that is the miracle to be so weak
a finger logs it what constant strength
what force it take to be a
stone you and I what cold applied
granite-fire logging onweakness no storme canmove us.


...magic discovery by mimi...

DREAMING DRAWINGS - alternative TV watching

Present moment

When you realise the present moment that's when time melts behind your thoughts, that's when magic happens naturally, that's when you start drawing your dreams and sing your heartbeat's melody.

For there is only one moment but now, take a pen, a bike or train and watch your dreams flow into reality.

Quand on realise le moment présent le temps fond au derrière des pensées, la magie opère naturellement, on commence à dessiner ses rêves et à chanter la mélodie des battements de coeur.

Parce qu'il n'y a pas d'autre moment que celui de maintenant, prends un stylo, un vélo ou un train et regardes tes rêves flotter dans la réalité.


                                                                             by Chai

Little Poem: Fear in the Driver's seat

Fear has hijacked your vehicle and is sitting in the driving seat!

Everything you see is shadowed in its presence.

Everything you hear is polluted by its unrelenting noise.

Everything you do leaves behind its stench.

It tells you if you kick it out, you are sure to crash.

Fear is a liar. He has been hiding so very much from you!

See everything in its True Light.

Hear everything's True Song.

Act with Love and Joy.

What have you to lose?

Your vehicle is bound to fall apart and rot one day.

But its Owner never dies.

Short Story - Firing The Mind

The trusted friend and employee of The Spirit, the mind turned up for work one morning as usual, but today The Spirit did not seem interested.

"You can have the day off today" said The Spirit, "I fancy a quiet day..."

But the mind insisted: "But Sir, we have so many jobs to do, don't you realise, we're so very busy at the moment! Let's get back to work, we can rest later..."

The Spirit trusted the mind and felt that he had a point - "Okay, okay, you're right, let's work a little."

Of course The Spirit and the mind then tirelessly worked away all day, as usual. Their work was dull and by nightfall they were both exhausted and were glad to part company for sleep.

The next morning the mind turned up again, telling The Spirit of the day's busy schedule ahead. The Spirit had only just awoken and was a little irritated to be hassled out of bed so early in the day - he was having such a heavenly rest. "Come back later," Said The Spirit. "I'm resting."

"But Sir! You must remember, we have 101 jobs to do today, it's essential that we start immediately!" He reminded The Spirit of the promising goals that they were working towards and of the public reputation that they must maintain.

The Spirit groaned and rolled out of bed - "Alright", the Spirit agreed - but let's take it easy this time!"

Once again, from the point of The Spirit's agreement to work, they slaved away ceaselessly, completely lost in their labour.

When nightfall came and they parted company once more, The Spirit fell into a deep sleep and had a very profound dream. Whilst swimming in the emerald ocean, thick fog came down and he completely forgot which way he'd come from or where he was going. He began to panic and swam ferociously round and round in circles! Eventually, completely exhausted, he gave up swimming and surrendered himself to the ocean's currents.
He awoke gently on a sandy beach with the sun shining down on his face, warming his body and illuminating a strangely familiar and beautiful island. The island's name was Peace, and here there was no work to do, for everything was already being done, with great creativity and joy. "What a heavenly place!" Said Spirit, to himself.

The Spirit awoke gently from the dream to the sound of the birds singing - there was an angelic echo in their song and he realised that it was the first time he'd truly listened for a very long time.

It wasn't long however before the mind came charging in again to spoil the symphony. "Right! Come on! Time for work! Let's go!" He Declared.

But this time his words were not to be believed. The Spirit just lay there, rolling about laughing.

"What on Earth are you laughing at?" Demanded the mind, sounding panicky. "Don't give me any more of your nonsense - if we don't get started now, how will we survive?"

The Spirit, now in tears of laughter calmly replied to the mind: "Who is the boss here again? To think that all this time I have faithfully followed your every word, without question! Now I have seen the Truth, I have no use for you any more. Leave me alone now and never show up for work again!"




"Don't run after poetry. It penetrates unaided through the cracks."

"Ne courrez pas après la poésie. Elle pénètre d'elle-même à travers les mailles du filet."

DREAMING DRAWINGS - desert mouth

                                                            by Chai